Pure Fix Cycles Fixed Gear Freestyle Trick Bike (FGFS), One Size - Are you looking for where to buy Pure Fix Cycles Fixed Gear Freestyle Trick Bike (FGFS), One Size, if yes you need to read our
Pure Fix Cycles Fixed Gear Freestyle Trick Bike (FGFS), One Size review to find more information and avoiding scam products.
Pure Fix Cycles Fixed Gear Free Style Bike (FGFS) is the perfect balance of a BMX and a fixed-gear bike - finally a bike that gives you the ability to ride through traffic and trick at the same time. The fixed gear free style bike is built upon a 40cm strong full heat treated 100-Percent Cromoly (CR-MO) steel frame sitting on 26-inch wheels that are designed for wheelies, jumping curbs and steps, riding traffic, and bombing hills. This bike combines the two greatest things of riding a bike: functionality and tricking. If you can trick it up on a fixed gear bike, you can trick on anything.
The Best Features:- Additional welding gives fixed gear freestyle bike (FGFS) extra support along with pivotal seat and seat post for more aggressive trick riding
- 26-inch tripled walled, sealed hub wheels with super thick 2.2-inch (56mm) tires for safety and comfort when doing wheelies, jumping curbs and steps, riding traffic, bar spinning and bombing hills
- Comes 90 percent assembled; includes front removable brake
- Gear Ratio is 32:16
- Full Cr-Mo bars, stem, bottom bracket and crank set, and sealed headset
What They Says:There are no customer reviews yet The Best-Selling Pure Fix Cycles Fixed Gear Freestyle Trick Bike (FGFS), One Size then to sell out very fast, if this is a must have product, be sure to order now to avoid disappointment.CHECK PRICE NOW!!!